
Equipping the church in South Africa

After serving as a Lecturer in Bible and Theology at a Bible college in Malawi for twelve years, we felt God leading us to expand our vision to train African Christian leaders through International Students Ministry at Christ Church Stellenbosch.

We now we work with leaders from all across Africa who are studying in various fields at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. My wife and I, together with our three daughters, live near the Stellenbosch University. This gives us quick access to the ministry with the students.  

working with the local church both in Africa and in the United States

I received my ordination in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 2004, and I am presently on staff at Green Lake Presbyterian Church, in Seattle Washington, where I served early in my ministry. These ties to the PCA and the Pacific Northwest Presbytery are an important anchor for our ministry in Stellenbosch, enriching our ministry and relationships in South Africa as well as the states.

Stellenbosch University

Stellenbosch University