We are connected to the local church in the States through the Pacific Northwest Presbytery (PCA) and in South Africa through Christ Church Stellenbosch. Our funding goes through ‘Flourish’; a registered 501(c)(3) not for profit Christian organization dedicated to ‘Helping Leaders Flourish’.

If you share our vision to equip Africans leaders who can help transform their communities and strengthen the African Church then we ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us. We would warmly welcome you to join us as a monthly financial partner if the Lord so leads.  

Jay and Laura stoms
Flourish South Africa Fund

For a limited time, donations may also be made by mail to the following address: 

Africa Christian Training Institute
(Jay Stoms Ministry Fund)
P O Box 15621
Panama City FL 32406-5621

Jay and Laura Stoms with daughters Clara, Katherine and Laura

Jay and Laura Stoms with daughters Clara, Katherine and Laura