Background Story:

Here is the story of the John's baptism and that of the baptism of Jesus mostly from what happened after the 'Birth of Jesus' from Luke 3 and Matthew 3.


John's Baptism and Jesus' Baptism


God had been silent over the period between the testaments, but now the ‘Word of God’ came to John in the desert by the Jordan River (Lk.3:2).  Israel had wandered through the desert after the exodus from Egypt until they crossed the Jordan to enter the ‘Promised Land’. The imagery here is that of a ‘New Exodus’. John preached ‘a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins’ in preparation for the ‘coming one’ who would rescue God’s people (Lk.3:2-3, Mt.3:2-3). Isaiah foretold that John would call people to make ‘straight paths’ and construct a highway for the ‘coming Lord’ (Isa.40:3-4, 11). Valleys would ‘be raised’ and mountains ‘made low’ and Sovereign Lord would return like a shepherd to gather his lambs and lead them close to his heart. Malachi had said that the Lord would send Elijah before that ‘coming day’ to turn the hearts of the people (Mal.4:5-6). Now John very intentionally dressed the part and played the role of Elijah (Mt.3:4, 2 Kgs.1:8).

People came from throughout Judea to confess their sins and to identify with John’s ‘repentant and expectant’ community. Yet, when the ‘religious leaders’ came to where John was baptizing, John denounced them as ‘snakes’ needing to flee the coming wrath (Mt.3:7-8, 11, Lk.3:8, 16). According to John they needed to ‘produce fruit’ consistent with genuine repentance. So John pointed to the more powerful one, Jesus, who would pour out God’s Spirit and bring the fire of God’s judgment.

Jesus came to the Jordan identifying with those needing the forgiveness of sins.  John needed to be baptized by Jesus, but Jesus considered it proper for him to identify with the ‘repentant community’. Jesus was acting on behalf of God’s people as their representative and God was preparing Jesus for his role as Messiah (Mt.3:13-15, Lk.3:21-22).  Jesus was anointed by John in a similar fashion to the way Samuel anointed David as Israel’s future king (1 Sam.16:13). The Spirit came down on ‘King Jesus’ and the heavenly voice confirmed Jesus’ identity, “This is my beloved Son” (Mt.3:16-17).